Thursday August 4th, 1:00p ET
It keeps your CEO awake at night – your industry getting disrupted by a competitor you didn't even see coming. Winners are quick to adapt; fast to innovate. How do you act like a startup – nimble, energetic and creative – at enterprise scale?
DevOps, fused with open technologies, hybrid cloud and design thinking can close the gap by helping you build an enterprise competency for continuous software-driven innovation.
Join us to learn how enterprises are leveraging IBM Bluemix and GitHub Enterprise (GHE), the most popular collaborative social coding platform, to transform software delivery, and their competitive marketplaces, to win using:
- An innovation culture for multi-speed IT
- Lean and Agile development for improved cycle time, cost and quality
- Tools that allow teams to create efficient, flexible, and friendly processes at every step of their development cycles
- Experimentation, feedback loops and A/B testing to optimize customer engagement.
All while deploying updates to production – tens or hundreds of times a day.
Michael King
Director Enterprise Product Marketing , GitHub
Mobile industry visionary with experience in all aspects of mobile and wireless, including technical and product development, marketing, research, sales, partners, and management. Specialize in industry transformation via mobile technology, Enterprise strategy, and product-market fit. Unique expertise in understanding the needs of the enterprise buyer and creating strategies to target those needs. Proven track record managing the successful relationship between buyer, vendor, and partners. Deep technical knowledge of all aspects of mobile and wireless including Apps, voice and data services, networks, devices and security.
Chris Brealey
Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM
Chris Brealey is a Senior Technical Staff Member with IBM Cloud. He is based at the IBM Canada Lab in Markham, Ontario, Canada. Chris is an architect on the IBM Bluemix DevOps Services platform. Previously, he worked on software solutions for mobile application delivery and quality assurance. Prior to that, he lead the architecture of tools for SOA and Web Services, and was a committer on the Eclipse Web Tools Platform project. Chris has worked extensively with the IBM Centers for Advanced Studies (CAS). Chris joined IBM in 1989 after graduating from the University of Victoria with a BSc in Computer Science.
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Something Powerful
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